Project management for R&D
Configure Miro templates
5. Drop the "Project definition" (png) template to the board
Align the template to the top and right of the Category already in Miro. Name the template by right-clicking and choose Create frame and rename the frame to, in this case, Project Definition.
Select the frame and the template and lock them both
(click on the icon with the padlock).
6. Drop the "Goal statement" (png) template to the board
Place the template below the Project definition board and align as in the illustration. Repeat the steps as in step 5. Name the frame Goal Statement.
7. Drop the "Business case" (png) template to the board
Place the template to the right of the "Project definition" template with some distance in between. Repeat the same steps as in step 5. Name the frame Business Case.
8. Drop the "Category project plan" png file to the board.
Place the category to the right of the Business case template and lock it.
9. Drop the "Overall plan" (png) template to the board
Place the template to the right of the "Project plan" category with some distance in between. Mark the board and resize the board by approx. 25-30%. Repeat the same steps as in step 5. Name the frame Overall Plan.
10. Drop the "Category project control" png file to the board.
Place the category to the right of the Overall plan template and lock it.
11. Drop the "Project control and follow up" (png) template to the board
Place the template to the right of the "Project control..." category with some distance in between. Repeat the same steps as in step 5. Name the frame Project Control.
12. Add hyperlinks to the Value Model help pages
Create a orange sticky note. Click on the note and write "Help", change the shape to rectangular and set the size to "S" (small). Click in hyperlink icon (see below) and link to
Duplicate the sticky note and move to the "Help" boxes to the other templates.
Lock the "Help" stickers by clicking on the padlock.
Sticker size
Fill color
Lock sticker
13. Your board is ready to go
Heading 1
14. Share and invite people to the board
Click the Share button at the top right corner and invite your team and stakeholders.